The period from late February to summer tends to be the worst for many allergy sufferers. Why? Because “tree pollens such as oak, maple, and river birch are blooming during this time,” making it peak allergy season in Virginia!
Spring Allergies for Leesburg Virginia
Your Acid Reflux and Swallowing Problems May Be Signs of Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Are you having trouble swallowing? Is your child refusing food? These difficulties may stem from a recently identified allergy/immune problem called eosinophilic esophagitis. -
How Childhood and Adult-Onset Asthma Differ
While the symptoms and treatment may be similar, there is a difference between childhood and adult-onset asthma. Learn more about each. -
Top Doctor
Dr. Ispas Awarded Top Doctor of 2022 -
Hay Fever, be in the know!
Symptoms of allergic rhinitis have other causes as well, the most customary being the common cold – an example of infectious rhinitis. Most infections are relatively short-lived, with symptoms improving in three to seven days. -
Immune Work Up for Peanut Allergies
A new Immune blood test has opened the doors to evaluating and managing peanut allergies for patients! -
Do you have a Peanut Allergy?
Be a part of the research in Peanut Allergy. Help us solve this medical problem. -
Spotting the Warning Signs of a Food Allergy
Every three minutes, someone in the United States goes to the emergency room because of a food allergy. Do you know the most common signs of a food allergy? -
5 Tips for Helping House Guests With Dog or Cat Allergies
Trying to clean your pet-friendly house for a visitor with dog or cat allergies can be tricky — and overwhelming. Try these five tips to make your guest’s visit more comfortable. -
What is an Accelerated Allergy Shot Schedule and When is it Used?
When allergies make you feel miserable, you want relief FAST! A traditional allergy shot schedule takes months to finish, but an accelerated allergy shot schedule offers relief much quicker. Here’s how it works.